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Environmental Monitoring

CR has designed and implemented environmental monitoring projects for marine, freshwater and terrestrial projects throughout the northeastern US, and often provides analytical and field support for projects managed by other consultants.

Monitoring of restored aquatic and wetland habitats is an integral aspect for most projects and CR’s experience ensures acquisition and analysis of the robust quantitative information required by our clients and regulatory agencies.

Regardless of the scope of a project and the relative potentials for chemical, physical or ecological impacts, CR has demonstrated capabilities for documenting baseline and post-implementation conditions and assessing changes associated with project activities.

In both aquatic and terrestrial environments, we utilize the environmental and biological expertise of staff, often complemented by our in-house remote sensing capabilities to address mission objectives.

Representative monitoring projects are listed below:

Environmental Monitoring

  • New Bedford Harbor Superfund Site Salt Marsh Restoration Monitoring, Survey, Sampling, and Monitoring of Contaminated Sediment Migration. New Bedford, MA
  • Block Island Wind Farm: Pre/Post Construction Geological and Biological Characterizations, RI
  • MWRA Harbor and Outfall Monitoring Cruises. Boston, MA
  • US ACOE DAMOS (Disposal Area Monitoring System) Cruises. CT, MA, and ME (2003 - Present)
  • Neptune LNG Pipeline Pre- and Post-Construction Monitoring. Massachusetts Bay, MA
  • Bay of Fundy ORPC Tide Generation Projects: Pre- & Post Construction Geological and Biological Characterizations, Eastport, Maine

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Acoustic and Underwater Video Data Used to Map Eelgrass

Above: Acoustic and Underwater Video Data Used to Map Eelgrass

Restored low and high salt marsh monitoring from the New Bedford Harbor Superfund Site

Above: Restored Low and High Salt Marsh Monitoring from the New Bedford Harbor Superfund Site

R/V Lophius Collecting a Vibracore

Above: R/V Lophius Collecting a Vibracore

Dredge disposal plume tracking using multibeam sonar water column data

Above: Dredge disposal plume tracking using multibeam sonar water column data